The Luminarium is immensely proud to present our twenty fifth Exhibition to you, bearing the title and theme of "Silver", as to celebrate our silver anniversary.
In scientific terms, Silver is a chemical element which is known for possessing the highest electrical conductivity; with immensely varying amounts of usage in coins, solar panels, water filtration and of course jewelry and ornaments. Story-wise, it's often compared as the second most valuable material to gold. A value that we take highly, as this exhibition marks our 25th endeavor to bring you extraordinary art, a challenge that we take with immense pleasure and excitement.
With a landmark as this, we expected our artists to push themselves to the limit and beyond. That is exactly what we got with more than thirty original works of art set in varying media, which are worth their weight in silver.
To underline our exceedingly talented roster, we turned the spotlight to Andrea Carecci, AKA Magic Fox, who has enlightened us with his amazingly control of technical and creative know how, and was a logical choice to highlight the growing diversity of artists that we nurture.
We are very proud of this achievement, and we hope that our twenty fifth pack will bring you as much inspiration and enjoyment, if not more, than the twenty four that came before.
The Luminarium staff
See the full release here.
Fusion By: Andrea Carecci
TITAN L30P By: Evade 
Service Hangar By: Julian Feylona
Silver waves III By: Andres Gallardo Albajar 
One Trick Pony By: Badbrush 
Maximus, Mvt. 1 - Core Collapse by Scott Stedman
Maximus, Mvt. 2 Nucleosynthesis by Scott Stedman
Maximus, Mvt. 3 - Accretion By Scott Stedman 
Theft By Andrea Carecci
The Silver Bullet By: Alastair Temple
Virtuosity By: Christian Hecker
Winter has come By: K-Melodyx
The Silver Guardian By: Sebastien Hue
Silver is Dead!! By: Khasis Lieb 
On the silver moon of Neptune By: Jonathan Maurin
The Shining Deity By: Julian Feylona 
Pale Hunters By: vaporization 
The Final Journey By: SamVerdegaal 
Joker By: Cristian 
Maximus By: Scott Stedman
Back home By: Andrea Carecci
Silver sunset By: Kuldar Leement
Celestial Oraculum By: Julian Feylona
Lunar Investigation By: voyager
GIN-EN By: seventwo
Long-haired silver star By: Kuldar Leement
Lustrous Purity By: SamVerdegaal 
Silver Surfer By: Edgars Romanovskis
Silver Lining By: Genesis 
Heartless By: Nora Nirvaluce
Reykjavik By: KOYN
Silverweb By: Andrea Carecci
Flow Like Silver By: Stu Ballinger 
Planeta Argenti By: Joeri Taelman
On the Edge By: taenaron
Flux By: Scott Stedman
Silver waver By: Andres Gallardo Albajar 
Silver waves II By: Andres Gallardo Albajar 

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