The Luminarium presents our 22nd Exhibit : Illuminate V. This exhibit is the continuation of our great Illumination series and our artists exlpored the freestyle theme once again with high quality artworks. From the digital paintings of our featured artist Aeon-Lux and our masters of science-fiction Tigaer, Shue13, Kire to the inspirational music of ScottStedman and the fantastic draws of khasis lieb, this exhibit, definitively shows us the huge diversity and skills of our artists.
Superluminal: ScottStedman   
Overture By: ScottStedman   
Je Peux.: Clyde Machine    
Illuminate: Cristian   
Echoes:  Christian Hecker  
Contact in Abyss: Jonathan Maurin
The Old Druid: Khasis Lieb   
The Refiller Cargo Terminal: Sebastien Hue 
Reverent: Kai Saunders   
Meltdown: Erik Schumacher
Epiphany: turksworks    
Silentyum: Maxime des Touches   
Brofist from God: Kuldar Leement
Monster from Abyss: Jakub Skop aka Stoogie   
Planet LV-428: Maxime des Touches
In A Magical Creek: Sebasiten Hue
Ariel : Erik Schumacher   
Visions: Kuldar  Leement  
Forgotten path: Jonathan Maurin    
Black Hole: Erik Schumacher 
Grunt: Badbrush Art
Fertile: jakobhansson    
Times Square: Jakub Skop
Guerria Cyberpunk Girl: Vincent Lefevre
Ring of Heaven: Jonathan Maurin
Rush: Dafne   
...: Matthias Utomo   
Phoenix Station: Glenn Clovis   
I was waiting for you: Drake   
Friction: Nirvaluce   
Sign from Heaven By: Jonathan Maurin and Jakub Skop    
Future City: James Knowles and Alastair Temple
Codename X: Dafne and Jakub Skop  
Pielgrzym: Dafne and Jakub Skop    
The light over our heads: Andres Gallardo Albajar    
Urban geometry: Andres Gallardo Albajar    
Stoer Light: Alastair Temple   
Geometry: Ales   
Lignes de Force: Khasis Lieb 
Shadowy Grounds: matlev   

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