The Luminarium presents our 24th Exhibit: Illuminate VI. After a summer of change for a lot of us within the team, one thing that hasn't changed is the quality which our artists put into their work. In our 6th installment of our Illuminate series we have some outstanding musical contributions again from Scott Stedman and Clyde Machine to sit alongside photography from the likes of Joakim Olaussen and Andres Gallardo Albajar, as well as Science Fiction scapes from Christian Hecker and abstract art from the likes of Lum new boy Stuart Ballinger.

Christian Hecker - The Eternals

Khasis Lieb - The Joker

Kuldar Leement - Night of Supernova

Vincent Lefevre - Néo -Tokyo battle

Jk3y - 1904

Ed Roman - Damned
Clyde Machine - My Favourite Fireworks are the Ones in Your Eyes
Scott Stedmann - The Guardians

Christian Hecker - Four Solutions

Ed Roman - Crazy Man

Erik Schumacher - London Gatwick 2172

Jakub Skop - Metropoly

Julian Faylona - Aphasic Stupor

Julian Faylona - Hovering Abstract

Kai Saunders - Malaise

Kuldar Leement - Storm is coming

Kuldar Leement - Homecoming

Najeeb Najjar - the Ultimatum

Sebastien Hue - Terminal Race

Sebastien Hue - The Portal of Sagittarius

Taenaron - Portal

Xtasik - The Man Comes Around

Pyrogas_ Reaper of Souls

Stu Ballinger - Ascendant

Alastair Temple & Bill Skor - Warp Drive

Black - Heartbeat

Stu Ballinger - Ruby Rain

Alastair Temple - A-Utd1

Andres Gallardo Albajar - Chapel of silence

Andres Gallardo Albajar- Star Destroyer

Andres Gallardo Albajar - Untitled

Joeri Taelman - Not quite Alright

Scott Stedman - Sawmill

Taenaron - Blue Hour